Saturday, January 14, 2012

Movie #3

A few nights ago I watched Melinda and Melinda - directed by Woody Allen. I have loved the few Woody Allen movies I have seen and I am thinking I will minor or perhaps major in movies written/directed by him (however cliche that may be). Hopefully I will come up with a list after some poking around - I'll post it here when it's done.

As far as Melinda and Melinda goes, I really liked it! The main exploratory question is: what is the essence of human life - comedy or drama? This premise is explored through two stories, one developed by a comedy playwright and the other by a dramatist. The catch is that both are starting at the same point: a woman interrupts a dinner party. The movie then moves along, switching back and forth between the comedic and the dramatic plots. I must say eventually, it became difficult to remember which one was which.

Of course, it being Woody Allen, this movie is about relationships and about female characters that turn everything upside down. What I found most interesting was that the actors played their characters in a very theatrical manner, with somewhat melodic intonations to their lines. It makes sense, since the ones supposedly "telling" these two stories are playwrights. All in all I remained entertained and enthralled in this witty exploration.

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